I have so many reasons to celebrate - taxes: done! - in the mail they go today, banana bread: made! old bananas salvaged and it is SOOOO good with the coffee that John made for me this morning and brought up to me (that's reason number three - one of my best friends lives downstairs) and oh yeah, I have a wonderful boyfriend and fambly who called me for my birthday. Check out my present! I got the gloves when I was in London because they were so British and so cool and Sweet Babboo got me the purse and wallet when I wasn't looking (and even a matching blouse while we were there - I will be scary with all my Paul Smith Swirls). I wonder if I can get pants and the umbrella, everyone will think they are about to have an Austin Powers/60's flashback whenever I walk by. Doooodle ooodle dooodle oodle - you get the idea.
So, one of my favorite things on this purse are the buttons - check 'em out - a butterfly and a bunny. I am the "bunny girl" -

just ask my mom. I had a stuffed bunny that I dragged everywhere when I was little and I loved ANYTHING that had bunnies on it (I still have the bunny in the cedar chest at my mom's but he looks more like roadkill now). Every year my mom would make me a bunny birthday cake - it was two circles - one made the face and the other she would cut ovals from opposite sides of the cake to make ears and a bow tie shape would be left in the middle,

then she'd give him pink ears and whiskers and all that good stuff. Williams-Sonoma has a much more sophisticated bunny cake pan on it's cover this spring and I am really tempted to get it. It comes in handy that my big day is near Easter so that there are bunnies a-plenty for me. And for the record, I love birthdays, it's like having your own personal holiday and you don't have to be dead for people to celebrate, no mourning going on in this house, in fact I like to stretch it out as long as possible. The big party is on the 15th because we have to go to a wedding this Saturday - so 7pm, Oakland Ice Rink - we're skating and Sweet Babboo is picking up Zachary's pizza and an ice cream cake - you can have some if you put on skates. Whoohoo, it's good to be twelve!
OK, obviously, I am not on the mountain today. I woke up too late. SB has promised to wax my board tonight (that sounds way more exciting than it really is) and I am going to set the alarm for butt early because, hello! my taxes are done and I made it through another year - it's time to celebrate.
Um, miss, you have some um, food, on your, um......

Mommy's little helper. Livi is our prewash setting for dishes, apparently she likes banana bread batter.