Glad I'm Not A Smoker...

I have no idea why there are so many smokers in England. The warning labels on the cigarette packs are huge and scary and not really ambiguous at all. I mean, when the label says, "Warning: this product will make you ugly and then kill you, give your child a clubfoot and curse your soul to eternal hellfire and damnation", really, what is the attraction? Is this a type of gambling addiction as well - as in, let's see if I can beat the odds and not go to hell?

Or is it just that people have so many other things to worry about that clubfoot really seems small in comparison to the rest of their troubles? I don't know, but I would half expect someone's mother's voice to pop out when you open the pack and smack you on the back of your head while saying, "Did you even READ the warning? What the hell is the matter with you?" Either that or there would be nothing inside because, who would want to smoke after reading the warning on the box?
At 6:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
but smoking makes you look cool. See how cool geoff looks in the picture? COOOOOOOL.
At 9:43 AM,
lisa said…
oh yes, I forgot the "cool" factor
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